About Us


I am David Maslach – an Associate Professor of Strategy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship at a large US research university (Not disclosing to avoid conflict of interests). I have two amazing boys (11 & 8), a wonderful wife, and two doggos that are far too crazy. The doggos keep us going by forcing us to walk and meet our neighbors.

I live in Tallahassee, Florida and grew up in Dryden, Ontario, Canada. I lived mostly all over Canada, but then did a PhD in General Management and moved to the USA for my first tenure-track job.

I pretty near failed grade 10 English, and I still stink at writing. But, writing is my job, so I thought, “I can build something that can help me and other people with their writing.” And so, I started building a sharing economy proofreading site, r3ciprocity.com, in my spare-time.


PhD in General Management (Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario)

MASc in Management Science (University of Waterloo)

BASc in Chemical Engineering (University of Waterloo).