Academic Publications: The Currency of Academia and Finding Your Perfect Journal Match


Welcome to the world of academia, where publications are the currency and academic journals are the banks. As a PhD student, you’re about to embark on a journey of discovery, innovation, and, yes, a lot of writing. But where will you deposit your hard-earned academic currency? Let’s explore the role of academic journals in your PhD journey and how to find the one that fits you like a glove. If you need help with writing a paper, read this post for tips and tricks.

If you need help with finding journals, watch this.

Publications: The Currency of Academia

In academia, your research is your wealth, and publications are how you spend it. They’re the medium through which you share your findings, contribute to your field, and build your academic reputation. Here’s why they’re so valuable:

  1. Academic Street Cred: Each publication is a testament to your research skills and dedication. It shows that your work has passed the rigorous peer-review process and is worthy of the academic stage. This process of peer-review is what ensures the quality and integrity of academic research. It’s a kind of quality control where other experts in your field review your work and provide feedback. When your research is published, it’s a signal to the academic community that your work has met a certain standard of quality.
  2. Career Boost: Publications are like gold stars on your academic CV. They can make you stand out when you’re job hunting or applying for grants. In many academic fields, the number and quality of your publications can significantly impact your career progression. They can influence hiring decisions, promotions, and even salary negotiations. In essence, publications can open doors and create opportunities in your academic career.
  3. Making a Difference: Every publication adds a piece to the puzzle of your field. You’re not just sharing your findings; you’re contributing to the collective knowledge of your discipline. This contribution to your field is perhaps one of the most rewarding aspects of academic research. It’s an opportunity to advance knowledge, challenge existing theories, and potentially spark new lines of inquiry. Your research could influence policy, inform practice, or even change the way we understand the world.
Learn more about the importance of journals

Understanding the Landscape of Academic Journals

Before you can find your perfect journal match, it’s important to understand the landscape of academic journals. There are thousands of academic journals out there, each with its own focus, audience, and reputation. They range from broad, multidisciplinary journals that publish research from all fields of study, to highly specialized journals that focus on a narrow subfield.

Academic journals also vary in terms of their selectivity and impact. Some journals are highly selective, accepting only a small percentage of submissions for publication. These journals often have high impact factors, meaning that their articles are frequently cited in other research. Other journals are less selective, accepting a larger percentage of submissions. These journals may have lower impact factors, but they provide an important platform for researchers to share their work.

Finding Your Journal Soulmate

There’s no such thing as the ‘right journal.’ There are only journals that are right for you. Here’s how to find your perfect match:

  1. Find Your Tribe: Look for a journal that’s relevant to your research. It should be a place where your academic tribe – the people interested in your field – gather. This means looking beyond the title of the journal. You should read the journal’s aims and scope, check out some of its recent articles, and consider who sits on its editorial board. This can give you a sense of whether the journal aligns with your research interests and whether it reaches the audience you want toengage with.
  2. Check the Scoreboard: Journal rankings, like the UT Dallas Journal List or the Financial Times Journal Rankings, can give you an idea of a journal’s influence and reputation. But remember, these rankings aren’t everything. They’re just one piece of the puzzle. The best journal for you is the one that aligns with your research interests and reaches your desired audience. For example, the UT Dallas Journal List includes 24 business journals that are used to assess the research productivity of universities. The Financial Times Journal Rankings, on the other hand, lists 50 journals used in their research rank calculation. These lists can be a good starting point, but they shouldn’t be the only factor in your decision.
  3. Free for All or Pay to Play?: Some journals are open access, meaning anyone can read their articles for free. Others charge subscription fees. Consider what’s more important to you: reach or budget. Open access journals can potentially reach a larger audience, including researchers in low-income countries and non-academics who don’t have access to subscription journals. However, they often charge a publication fee, which can be a barrier for some researchers. Subscription journals, on the other hand, usually don’t charge a publication fee, but their articles are only accessible to subscribers, limiting their reach.

Navigating the Submission and Review Process

Once you’ve found your journal match, the next step is to navigate the submission and review process. This process can be daunting, especially for first-time authors, but understanding how it works can help you navigate it more effectively.

How do scientific journals work?

First, you’ll need to prepare your manuscript according to the journal’s guidelines. This may involve formatting your paper in a certain way, writing an abstract of a certain length, or including specific sections. You’ll also need to write a cover letter that introduces your manuscript and explains why it’s a good fit for the journal.

Once you submit your manuscript, it will usually undergo a preliminary review by the editor to determine if it’s suitable for the journal. If it passes this initial screening, it will be sent for peer review. This involves sending your manuscript to other experts in your field who will evaluate its quality, rigor, and contribution to the field. They will provide feedback and recommendations, which could be to accept the manuscript, request revisions, or reject it.

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The peer review process can take several months, and it can be a test of patience and resilience. You may need to revise and resubmit your manuscript multiple times before it’s accepted. But remember, each round of revisions is an opportunity to improve your work and make it the best it can be.


In the world of academia, publications are your currency, and finding the right journal is like finding the perfect bank. It’s not just about prestige or impact factor; it’s about finding a journal that aligns with your interests, values, and goals. So, as you embark on your PhD journey, remember: it’s not just about earning your academic currency, it’s about spending it wisely. And remember, the journey to publication can be challenging, but it’s also an opportunity for growth, learning, and ultimately, contributing to the knowledge in your field.

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