The Surprising Lesson of Going It Alone
When I launched the R3ciprocity Project, I anticipated an outpouring of support from various groups like scientists, researchers, universities, and...
PhD students and highly-educated individuals face a unique set of challenges. Among these, balancing the rigorous demands of academic life with personal responsibilities, such as single parenthood or...
In academia, rejection is the game. The top journals reject 95% of submissions. This staggering figure paints a picture of an environment where rejection is not the exception, but the rule.
In academia, success is often quantified by publications and accolades. But, there lies a less spoken truth – the reality of feeling like an academic 'failure.' This journey is not just about...
I am reminded of the stark reality of academic life every year. It comes back to me every year. It's a world that often idolizes the "idealistic academic researcher", setting standards that many of...
Have you ever noticed how a single negative comment can overshadow a hundred positive ones? This curious aspect of human psychology often plays out in the realm of academia, especially concerning the...
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