Research Paper Editing Website for Good: Building An Academic Editing Service For Researchers And PhDs


Finding a proofreader is an integral part of the writing process. It’s what separates amateur writers from professionals. But, it’s often difficult to find another pair of eyes to take your writing to the next level. R3ciprocity makes the proofreading process easy. R3ciprocity is a proofreading site to connect you with other editors and provide you with the opportunity to edit in exchange for virtual credits. But, what sets R3ciprocity apart from other sharing economy applications is that we prioritize making a positive impact and maintaining our corporate social responsibility in education. 


1. Promoting Niceness With A Proofreading Site?

By definition, reciprocity means “a mutual exchange of privileges.” We have the privilege of sharing this awesome free proofreading platform with the world. In exchange, the goal of the proofreading site is to inspire people to be nicer and help each other out. The proofreading platform is built on a system that incentives its user community to pay-it-forward. You can proofread someone else’s work and earn credits through that process, and then cash in those credits to get your own work proofread. It’s a win-win situation for all those involved. R3ciprocity hopes to bring back an important value that’s often forgotten: being nice.


2. Using A Proofreading Site To Advance Higher Education?

David Maslach, the founder of the proofreading site, is a professor of innovation and strategy in entrepreneurship. He finds an immense amount of value in higher education. The research often spearheaded by university groups is highly influential. Research makes an impact on not just those connected to the university, but to individuals around the globe.

Behavioral science is the core research area that he is interested in. If you’re not too sure about what behavioral science is, it’s the science of how people react to each other and the world around them on a day-to-day basis. A part of R3ciprocity’s CSR is to provide researchers important information about human behavior that they often wouldn’t have the resources to get. R3ciprocity is focused on helping the everyday individual first, and helping researchers would be a great step towards reaching that goal.

3. Helping Grad Students

At the moment, R3ciprocity is not profitable. But with the growing popularity of the proofreading site, that can change at the flip of a coin. We have a lot of interesting ideas when it comes to the profits of R3ciprocity. One that we are quite excited about is the possibility of giving back to students. Without students and their hunger for knowledge, R3ciprocity wouldn’t have an avenue to exist. It’s a big part of our CSR to uplift the next generation of scientists.

R3ciprocity would love to be able to utilize a portion of the profits to provide scholarships for graduate students in behavioral sciences, also like to give a portion of the profits to behavioral science research. We hope that this would keep advancing our pool of information and also our growth as an academic community.

In conclusion, the reason why David created the R3ciprocity proofreading site is to help people, first and foremost. This proofreading platform is a stellar way to help your fellow writer and in turn, help yourself in the process.

When you choose to become a part of R3ciprocity, you become a part of the bigger picture of making a positive impact on the world. We’re laser-focusing on helping you first. That’s what R3ciprocity is all about: being a force for good.

If you’d like to dive deeper into R3ciprocity’s plans for positive impact, check out the YouTube video below. Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more content about writing, behavioral science, entrepreneurship, and more!

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