Should You Start a PhD? (Decision-Making Quiz & Tool)

Should you start a PhD quiz

Are you considering embarking on a PhD journey? Our online quiz is here to help you navigate this significant decision. Starting a doctoral program is a major commitment, and reliable resources can be hard to find. Often, advice comes from those who’ve had tough experiences or from universities keen on enrollment.

Introducing the R3ciprocity Project

To fill this gap, Dr. David Maslach created the R3ciprocity Project—a movement aimed at fostering kindness and providing genuine support to prospective PhD students. It began as a personal endeavor to create software that benefits others to democratize the production of research and intellectual property.

Our goal is to equip you with comprehensive information so you can make an informed choice about pursuing a PhD.

Ready to Discover If a PhD Is Right for You?

Play the R3ciprocity game and gain new insights about yourself and your academic aspirations. We hope it helps clarify your thoughts on pursuing a doctoral degree.

Join the R3ciprocity Community

If you find this quiz helpful, consider exploring more at Our platform offers a variety of tools and resources to democratize the production of research and intellectual property. We’d be thrilled to have you as part of our growing community!

Thank You and Enjoy!

We hope you enjoy the quiz and find it beneficial. Whether you decide to pursue a PhD or take a different path, we’re here to support you on your journey.

You are the bee’s knees!