Should You Attend That Academic Conference (Online Quiz)?

should you attend a conference (online quiz)
This online quiz about whether you ‘should attend that academic conference?’ is meant to be a decision tool for academics, PhDs, and researchers to know whether they should attend a conference to either present their research or to as just an attendee. It is often difficult to know if you should attend academic conferences – there is a lot of ambiguity and uncertainty in the research process. Attending another academic conference or going to another academic research presentation is very enticing, yet we do not know whether the benefit will warrant the costs of attending. This quiz is meant to help you decide if you should attend the conference.


This decision tool was developed in September-October of 2020, I polled the R3ciprocity community on YouTube on what are the primary factors for attending a conference. This community is primarily based on PhDs, professors, and potential PhDs.

(If you want to help validate any of these measures, and want to conduct experiments with any of the material on R3ciprocity, let me know. All experiments or research on R3ciprocity will be clearly marked and require consent. This quiz is currently not validated or it is not being used for research in anyway).

This quiz was crowd-sourced using the R3ciprocity Community on YouTube. The R3ciprocity community is primarily researchers, academics, and PhDs. The quiz is based on 186 responses. I asked the following questions, and took the 2-3 most popular items from each question (from a total of 5 items) to construct this decision tool. The questions are the following:
1. What are the biggest opportunity costs (Things you give up) of attending an academic conference?
2. What are the biggest barriers that prevent you from going to an academic conference.?
3. What is the most important factors for not going to an academic conference?
4. Based on your experiences, what are the most important benefits of attending a conference?

Remember that this metric and tool has not been validated. At this moment, it is meant for joy of learning and having fun.

Privacy and Legal Stuff:

That being said, this is not based on research, and is only for fun only. Everything on the R3ciprocity community that aids research will be fully-vetted by Institutional Review Boards, and Ethics Board; and you will have consent.

At this moment, this is just for fun. By clicking and proceeding with the online survey, you realize and give consent that this is just for fun, and this data will not be used for research purposes, and this information will not be sold to third-parties.

1.Do you expect to make a valuable personal connection at the conference?
2.Do you expect to learn some new theory at the conference?
3.Do you expect to learn a new empirical technique at the conference?
4.Do you expect the benefit will outweigh the financial cost of the conference?
5.Do you expect the conference to be of high quality?
6.Do you believe the conference is inexpensive compared to its expected value?
7.Do you believe the conference is too far away and requires too much travel time?
8.Will your institution support the conference?
9.Do you believe that the benefits of attending the conference outweigh the costs to your family or home life?
10.Do you believe the benefits of attending the conference outweigh costs to working on your own research publications?

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