Should You Get A Side-Job During Your Doctorate? (PhD Quiz)

Should you get a side-job during your doctorate?
Should you get a side-job during your doctorate? This is often a difficult question, and often the answers to whether you should get a side-job during your PhD are not clear. This is a tool to help you decide to get a side-job, rather than make it an emotional decision. You need this tool to help you make a rational decision about your academic career about getting a side-job during your doctorate.

This online quiz was crowdsourced by the R3ciprocity community. Dr. Maslach polled potential PhDs, professors, and grad students on the R3ciprocity YouTube community. It is based on 109 responses.

This online quiz has not been validated, so please just use it for entertainment purposes only. If you would like to validate the quiz for research purposes and would like to help out with the R3ciprocity project, please contact David Maslach. At this moment, I have too many projects to fully develop a research paper out from this quiz.

At this moment, this is not considered research, and it has no affiliation with my current institution.

What I did was ask the following questions in June / July 2020:
1. What characteristics are most important about getting a side job during school?
2. What might be a reason to get a side-job during your PhD?
3. What is the best reason you get a side-job during your PhD?

I then choose the top 3 responses from each poll to create this construct. The construct is a simple aggregated score of the answers, where ‘least’ is counted as 1 and ‘most’ is counted as 5.

1.Do you believe that your financial support is too low to meet your current needs (modest food, transportation, utilities, and housing)?
2.Do you have significant student loans?
3.Is your financial support about to run out, or are you currently unfunded?
4.Is the potential side-job related to your research?
5.Is the side-job profitable (eg., does it make you significantly more than the time it costs to perform the job?)
6.Does the side job help you stay motivated (e.g., working in a coffee shop is relaxing for some people)?
7.Do you have dependents that you care for, or rely on your income?
8.Do you or would you enjoy working at the side-job?
9.Do you believe that your financial aid is not enough for your current needs?
10.Do you have supportive grad school supervisors?

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