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Being a Professor with a Learning Disability: What’s It Like?
The Invisible Challenge My disability is not visible. You'd never know unless you ask me to remember something or put sentences together. I call people “buddy” or “pal” because I will...
30 Things That Make You a Better Innovator as a PhD Introduction There is no reason to be scared. Once you realize that it’s your life, and no one else’s, you suddenly know that you are in...
Understanding Failure as the Norm “95% of human activity results in failure.” This might seem like a pessimistic view, but if you look closely, you’ll see that failure is the usual outcome...
As a business professor, I often reflect on my journey from being the first in my extended family to attend university to achieving a PhD. My family is proud of their accomplishments, but education...
The PhD Journey: Embracing Challenge and Prioritizing Wellbeing
Embarking on a PhD journey is a remarkable endeavor that symbolizes not only academic dedication, but also a deep commitment to advancing knowledge in one’s field. However, this path is often...
Rethinking Success and Embracing the Journey: Lessons from the R3ciprocity Project
The Surprising Lesson of Going It Alone When I launched the R3ciprocity Project, I anticipated an outpouring of support from various groups like scientists, researchers, universities, and...