Greeting young scholar, with books in your hands, Your journey has just begun in the land of PhD! Many challenges lay ahead, so take careful heed, To the lessons that you learn, and the...
Archives: Blog
How to Write An Email To a Professor for Graduate School Admission?
Whether you’re trying to get into graduate school or looking for a professor to work with as an advisor, you’ll want to make a good first impression with your initial email. If you’re finding...
Summary This blog post explores the use of social media and online community building in PhD science, highlighting the benefits and challenges of using these tools in the scientific process. The...
Breaking the Silence: Confronting Depression and Anxiety in Academia
Since I have been open about my struggles with academia, I have discovered that I am not alone in this. Many others in academia also deal with depression and anxiety, and the feeling of working hard...
As a PhD, researcher, or professor, it can be easy to get caught up in the external rewards and validation that come with our work. We strive for high citation counts, seek out grant funding, and aim...
10 Financial Things That Even Business Professors Do Not Do (and They Should)
Invest 15% of everything they make in index funds and well-performing growth stock mutual funds. This is a great way to ensure long-term growth and stability in your investments. What do I invest in?...